TENMAT Achieves ISO 9001 2015

TENMAT’s ongoing commitment to the highest quality standards worldwide is once again confirmed by achieving the updated Quality Management System accreditation ISO 9001:2015, certified by the British Standards Institution Group. The ISO9001 standard requires us to operate in line with quality management systems (QMS) in the scope of leadership, management, processes, product manufacturing and risk evaluation.

The emphasis is on consistency and improvement to ensure our customers of high levels of performance and satisfaction. Any certified organisation is committed to continuous improvement and is assessed annually to ensure progress is being maintained.

The new standard has introduced a few key changes:

  • New high level structure based on PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act)
  • Greater emphasis on process approach, focussing on process inputs, outputs and performance
  • New consideration of the context of the organisation, managing the needs and expectations of interested parties, and dealing with relevant internal and external issues
  • Expectation for greater engagement from top managers and business leaders in managing and improving the quality management system
  • More focus on risk management with the introduction of ‘Risk-based thinking’

TENMAT aims for the highest standards of quality and performance. Our team managed to successfully complete the transition process to a new standard by taking a number of actions:

  • Brought QMS in line with business strategy and objectives
  • Introduced top level process structure and additional performance measures
  • Established a formal program of continuous improvement focussing on proactive action
  • Enhanced standard elements of document control, internal auditing, management of non-conformance and corrective action
  • Updated quality policy to define commitment to customer satisfaction and continuous improvement

Here at TENMAT we have always made the quality and consistency of our products a top priority and are working continuously on exceeding our customers’ expectations.