In 2018 TENMAT continues to provide a rapid Emergency Breakdown Service for rudder and propeller shaft bearings.

With over 40 emergency repair services successfully supplied in 2017, TENMAT/RAILKO is proving that its rapid bearing replacement for Emergency Breakdowns is being recognized by ship owners facing last minute replacement for their rudder and propeller shaft bearings. The service improvement allows us to offer lead times of 1 – 3 days for non-stock sizes.

Last month, TENMAT supplied one of the biggest Cruise Liner operators in the world, with FEROFORM T14 material to replace the AFT bearings on one of the largest ships in their fleet. Furthermore, engineering assistance and supervising of the machining and installation of the bearings was provided by our official partner in Spain, SINTEMAR.

Ship owners across the globe can rely on TENMAT not only for their market leading wear performance materials and its quick and reliable service, but also for providing engineering assistance for installation of bearings.

So for the next planned or emergency repair, make sure to contact TENMAT RAILKO. A wide range of stock tubes, covering the most common shaft sizes, are available for immediate dispatch. Stocks located in the UK, USA and Singapore. For a full list of sizes please visit or contact us directly on: +44 161 955 2415 or