Doubled life with Railko NF21 Hook Guide Plates

Case Study: More than twice the life with Railko NF21 Hook Guide Plates

TX Logistik install Railko NF21 Hook Guide Plates and double the lifetime

In 2016, leading German freight operator TX Logistik were replacing their previous guide plates for draw-hooks after only 3 months’ use. By that time, the thermoplastic competitor plates suffered extreme wear. Tenmat was specially asked to supply an improved solution for their hook guide plates. The winning outcome was our reinforced thermosetting composite, Railko NF21.

Railko’s durable plates offer more than 90,000 km of dynamic loading across 7 months’ draw-hook use. This significant improvement is more than twice the lifetime in comparison to the previous 3-month life of competitor thermoplastic parts.

Technical and mechanical advantages of using Railko thermoset composites

Railko NF21 hook guide plates show minimal wear after 7 months, and 90,000 km of dynamic loading. Railko plates are used to support the draw hook on the wagon body. It is important to have a material which provides excellent dimensional stability and long service life.

Railko NF21 freight components are made of a longer-life, fibre reinforced, thermosetting material. Their reinforced matrix structure withstands even the most abrasive of environments. Railko NF21 hook guide plates were specified thanks to their long life, low friction, and superior strength under high load. That is how they double the lifetime against weak thermoplastic materials.

Benefits to freight operators of using Railko products

Tenmat is the one-stop supplier of rail wear protection parts. We are approved, specified, and trusted by all leading railway authorities and private wagon owners. This includes Deutsche Bahn, SBB, ÖBB, SNCF, RENFE, British Rail, as well as TX Logistik, VTG, AAE, Eurotunnel, Ermewa / CTC, Wascosa, CTX Rail, PKP, Eiffage Rail.

Benefits for our customers include:

  • Valuable draw-hook is better protected from wear thanks to self-lubricating Railko NF21
  • Railko NF21 does not corrode the draw-hook
  • Parts are available on stock for quick delivery
  • Time is saved by using maintenance-free Railko parts
  • Money is saved by using long-life Railko parts
  • Railko is fully tested and approved.

Please do get in touch for your bespoke solution to all of your wear needs.