Copyright for Rotor Vanes

Since September 2017 Tenmat Copyrights all Feroform Rotor Vanes with Brand

Since September 2017 TENMAT (the sole owner, and manufacturer of protected Feroform components worldwide) has completed its full programme of copyrighting for rotor vanes. This means that every single Feroform Rotor Vane manufactured now carries an individual, traceable copyright notice.

Tenmat has carried this out in order to enable customers to identify genuine Feroform Rotor Vanes.

Protect the Safety and Quality of Machinery with Feroform Vanes

This copyrighting will unequivocally differentiate original Feroform Rotor Vanes, allowing vacuum pump manufacturers, dealers, end users, and auditors to easily check parts both before and after installation.

How to Identify the Tenmat Feroform Copyright for Rotor Vanes

On each individual Tenmat Feroform Rotor Vane, a traceable production number will be visible, as displayed above.

If purchased from a third party, in order to verify the authenticity of the material, you can contact Tenmat directly using the following details:

  • +44 (0) 161 955 2461 or rotorvanes[mk_tooltip text=”AT” tooltip_text=”Replace AT with @ symbol”]tenmat[mk_tooltip text=”DOT” tooltip_text=”Replace DOT with period” ]com, quoting the Tenmat production number marked on the vane.
Protecting Tenmat Customers and Feroform Trademarks

Tenmat will continue to aggressively pursue any manufacturer, distributor, repairer, or dealer who infringes on our protected trademarks or installs counterfeit parts where Feroform material has been specified or requested. This will include taking all available legal and equitable remedies to protect its interests.

We greatly welcome any and all cooperation from our valued customers. We trust that the above countermeasures will further enhance the safety, quality, and working efficiency of vacuum/compression equipment around the world.