Physical security products

High-performance physical security products for peace of mind

Physical security

High-performance products for peace of mind

Advanced materials for increased security

Ferosafe: Anti-cutting technology

At Tenmat, we create next-generation physical security products and materials designed to stop attacks and ensure protection against physical threats.  Our innovative developments allow us to offer solutions that can greatly increase your security performance, across a wide range of different applications.

By combining a security performance proven to guard against sawing, cutting, drilling and grinding, with weldability using standard welding methods, our materials offer cost-effective ease of fabrication, that can be incorporated into any company’s security solutions.

Next-generation materials

Physical security

The highly versatile nature of Tenmat security materials ensures that they can be applied across a wide range of applications where the importance of physical security products is paramount. This includes Safes, ATMs, Secure Storage, Padlocks, Car Security, Lockboxes and Security Doors to name a few.

Advanced materials for increased security

Our products


The next-generation material for defending products from physical threats

Ferosafe Lockbox

Provides a high level of resistance against angle grinders and carbide drills during theft

“As soon as we witnessed first-hand the unrivalled anti-cut properties of Ferosafe material, we immediately saw its potential application in preventing bike theft. We are excited to launch the world’s first portable anti-angle grinder bike lock, the Hiplok D1000, which incorporates Ferosafe at the heart of its uniquely strong, patent-pending design.”

John Abrahams

Hiplok co-founder and Product Director




Highly resistant to angle grinders
Highly resistant to drills
Relatively tough to prevent chiselling